Jewish Festivals in the bible

Jewish Festivals in the bible

Jewish Festivals

There are seven Jewish festivals or the festivals of the Jehovah in the Bible. These seven festivals are mentioned throughout the Holy Scripture (Bible), we find all these instructions for all seven festivals in the book of Leviticus. The seven Jewish festivals also are known as “holy convocations.” These days between the Festivals were appointed and ordained by the Lord God Almighty to be kept to the honor of God’s name. These Jewish festivals are the times of celebration and are relevant not only to the people of Israel, but also to the overall message of the Holy Bible because each one symbolizes or represents an aspect of life, death, and resurrection of the Jesus Christ.

These are the Jewish Festivals in the Bible:

  1. The weekly Sabbath

    Weekly Sabbath is the most important Jewish festival not only fulfilled by the Jewish but also by the Whole World. (Leviticus 23:1-3) “The Lord said to Moses, Tell Israelites that you will announce the Lord’s chosen festivals as holy meetings. These are my special Jewish festivals. Work for six days, but the seventh day, the Sabbath, will be a special day of rest, a holy meeting. You must not do any work. It is a day of rest to honor the Lord in all your homes. And it’s also given in Ten Commandments given by the Lord (Exodus 20:8-11). You can read more about Sabbath.

  2. Passover

    This Jewish festival is celebrated for 14 days of Nisan just before dark (Leviticus 23:4-5). This command is for the whole community of Israel: on the tenth day of this month (Nisan or Abib) each man must get a lamb for the people in his home. If there are not enough people in his house to eat the whole lamb, then he should invite some of the neighbors of his to share the meal. There must be enough lamb for everyone to eat. The lamb must be a year-old male (animal), and it must be completely healthy. This animal can either be a young goat or a young sheep. You should watch over the animals until the 14th day of the month. On that day, all the people of Israel must kill all these animals just before dark. You must collect the blood from these animals to put it on the top as well sides of the door frame of every house where the people eat this meal. On this night, you must roast all of the lambs and eat all of the meat. You must also bitter herbs and bread made without yeast. You must not eat the lamb which is raw and boiled in water. You must roast the whole of lamb over a fire. The lamb must still have its legs, head, and inner parts. And you must eat all the meat that night. If any of the meat is left until morning, you must burn the meat in the fire. And while eating your meal, you must be fully dressed and always ready to travel. And must have your sandals on your hand. And you must eat in a hurry, for it is the Lord’s Passover. (Numbers 9:-1-14; Deuteronomy 16:1-8; Numbers 28:16).

  3. Unleavened Bread

    (Exodus 23:14-15) The first Jewish festival is the festival of unleavened bread. Do as I commanded you. During of the time, you will eat the bread made without yeast. This will continue for seven days. For you will do this during the month of Abib, for this is the time when you came out of Egypt. Every Israelite must bring a sacrifice to me at that time. (Leviticus 23:6-8; Deuteronomy 16:1-8; Numbers 28:17-25; Exodus 12:14-18).

  4. First Fruit

    (Exodus 23:16) Says “The second Jewish festival will be the festival of harvest. This festival will be during the early summers when you begin harvesting the first crops that you planted in your fields. And (Leviticus 23:9-14) says “The Lord said to Moses, “Tell all the Israelites: you will enter the land that I will give you and reap its harvest. At that time, you must bring in the first (fruit) sheaf of your harvest to the priest. The priest will lift the sheaf to show it was offered before the Lord. So that, Then you will be accepted. The priest will present the sheaf on Sunday morning. On the day when you present the sheaf, you will offer a one- year-old male lamb. There must be nothing wrong with the lamb will be a burnt offering to the Lord. You must also offer a grain offering of 16 cups of fine flour mixed with the olive oil. And you must also offer 1 quart of wine. The smell of that offering will please the Lord. You must not eat any of the fruit, or any new grain or bread made from the new grain until you bring that offering to your God. This law will always continue through your (Israel’s) generations, wherever you live. (Exodus 34:22; Numbers 28:26-31; Deuteronomy 26:1-11)

  5. Pentecost

    (Leviticus 23:15-21) “From that Sunday morning (the day you bring the sheaf to be presented to God), count complete seven weeks. On the Sunday following the seventh week (that is, 50 days later), you will bring a new grain offering to the Lord. On that day, bring two loaves of bread from your homes. That bread will be lifted up to show it was offered to God. Use yeast & 16 cups of flour to make those loaves of bread. That will be your gift to the Lord from your first harvest. “One ram, one bull, and seven males one-year-old lambs will be offered with the grain offerings from the people. There must be not anything wrong with these animals. They will be burnt offering offered as a sweet-smelling gift to the Lord. You will also offer one male goat for a sin offering and two one-year-old male lambs as a fellowship offering. Then the priest will lift them up with the bread from the first harvest to show they were offered with the lambs before the Lord. As they are holy to the Lord. They will belong to the priest. On that same day, you will call a holy meeting. You must not do any work. And this law continues forever in all your homes. Also, when you harvest the crops on your land, do not cut all the way to the corners of your field. Don’t pick up the grain that falls to the ground. Leave it to people who are poor and for foreigners traveling through your country. I am the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 16:9-12)

  6. Trumpets

    (Numbers 29:1-6) “There will be a special meeting on the first day of the seventh month. You will not do any work on that day. That is the day for blowing the trumpets. You will offer burnt offerings. Their smell will please the Lord. Offer one bull, one ram, and seven lambs that are one-year-old. There must be nothing wrong with them. You will also offer 24 cups of fine flour mixed with oil with the bull, 16 cups with the ram, and 8 cups with each of the seven lambs. Also offer a male goat as a sin offering to make you pure. These offerings are in addition to the new moon. Sacrifice and its grain offering. These must be done according to the rules. They will be sweet-smelling gifts to the Lord.”  In (Leviticus 23: 23-25; Numbers 10:1-16)

  7. Day of Atonement

    (Numbers 29:7-11) “There will be a special meeting on the tenth day of the seventh month. And During that day you must not eat any food, and you must not do any work. You will offer burnt offerings. Their smell will please the Lord. Must offer one bull, one ram, and seven lambs that are one-year-old. And there must be nothing wrong with them. You must also offer 24 cups of fine flour mixed with olive oil with the bull, 16 cups with the ram, and 8 cups with each of the seven lambs. You will also offer one male goat as a sin offering for the Day of Atonement. This will also be in addition to the daily sacrifice and its grain offerings and drink offerings. (Leviticus 23:26-32)

  8. Tabernacle

    (Deuteronomy 16:13-15) “Seven days after you have gathered your harvest in from your threshing floor & from your winepress, you should celebrate the festival of Tabernacle. Enjoy yourselves at this Jewish festivals – you, your sons, your daughters, all your servants and the Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows living in your towns. Celebrate this festival for seven days at the special place the Lord will choose. Do this to honor the Lord harvest and all the work you did, so be very happy.” (Leviticus 23:33-44; Numbers 29:12-38).


  • Jessica paula September 21, 2015

    great job. keep it up

  • Juliette February 28, 2016

    We are studying this section of the O/T and this was a great help to me.

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