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Bible Bible Topics

Number of chapters, verses and books in the Bible

Do you know how many books are there in the bible? And if you are a regular reader of the Bible than you must be knowing that there are 66 total books in the Bible. But besides that, we are going to discuss all the number of chapters, verses, and books in the Bible. The […]

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Bible Bible Topics

Authors or Author of The Bible

Well, the author means a single writer, as when we read The Bible it does look like that only one person is the author of the Bible or only a single person has written it. That is because God himself dictated The Bible to the physical writers who wrote it. This is because the Holy […]

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Bible Bible Topics

What is Bible?

Bible is the Word of God, which has led to almost every person. In the beginning, the Word already existed, The World was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) NLT. Bible is God’s word, which changes every human being. The Proof of  God’s dealing with humans in the Bible The Bible is […]

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