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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics

What does Hebrew Word “Gawar” Mean?

Praise the Lord for this wonderful day, God has given a wonderful opportunity to talk about new things to you. In my childhood onwards I used to hear a Biblical passage from the Bible is that, Jesus said to Peter before a Rooster crows you will deny Me three times ( Matthew 26:34 ). Whenever […]

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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus Others

Is it compulsory to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost?

What do you think that is it necessary to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Yes, it is compulsory to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. God strongly commanded the importance of baptism. Even Jesus Christ got baptized. Here, we can see […]

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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics Others

Who is the first Prophet in the Bible?

As we see in the Bible prophets play major roles. Bible was written by different people but by the spirit of God. The prophet means a person who is believed to have a special power that allows them to say what God wishes to tell. According to the Bible the persons who were close to […]

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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics

Questions that Every Bible Reader have?

If you are reading Bible Daily, then that is for sure that you have different unanswered questions in your mind. Today I am going to share a list of Questions that most of the bible readers have. It has been years that I am reading the Bible, but I still have unanswered questions in my […]

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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics

What is the Image of God?

Is there any Image of God? Has anyone seen the God or the image of God? The Word “Image of God” has been used in the Bible many times and many are confused about the Image of the God. The word starts from the Book of Genesis in the Bible. When we read the verse […]

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Bible Bible Topics

Why don’t spirits die whereas Human body dies?

Why don’t spirits die? Why and How we are going to having an Eternal life after death? Is there any Scientific proof for Life after Death? Why our Body dies whereas spirit doesn’t? I had the above questions in my mind always, but Somehow I have got the answer to these questions of mine. I […]

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Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus

In the Book of John Where Jesus claims to be the bread of life and others

1. I am the bread of life. (john 6:48) 2. I am the light of the world. (John 8:12) 3. I am the door of the sheep. (John 10:7) 4. I am the good shepherd. (John 10:11) 5. I am the resurrection and the life. (John 11:25) 6. I am the way, the truth, and […]

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Bible Study Material Bible Topics Revelation

Who was Cain’s wife?

The people have made this a big issue. Although, it is not clear in the Bible that Who was Cain’s wife or who did Cain married? Many Bible scholar has different theologies. And everyone tries to solve it, thinks according to his or her own intelligence. But the only thing that we need to understand is […]

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Bible Topics Others

10 Duties of Citizens according to the Bible

Be subject to civil government (Romans 13:1; Titus 3:1; 1 Peter 2:13-17) Be afraid to disobey civil rulers (Romans 13:3; Proverbs 24:21) Do the good (Romans 13:4; Titus 3:1) Pay taxes (Romans 13:1-7; Matthew 22:17-21) Render dues to all men (Romans 13:7) Honor civil rulers (Romans 13:17; Exodus 22:28; Acts 23:5; 1 Peter 2:13-17) Pray […]

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