The Church is made up of believers but not of bricks
Bible Others

The Church is made up of believers but not of bricks

The Church is made up of believers

Ecclesia! What is Ecclesia? When substance comes about Ecclesia people, have a universal philosophy of a beautiful old structure prepared up of stuff like marbles, wax light, Dais, Idols, and so on. Most people have this conjoint perception about churches. But when we perceive Bible verses we can recognize that Church is not a structure for which anyone can boast about. Instead, the Bible pronounces that churches are made of believers who have washed their sins through the Divine blood of Jesus Christ.

The Church is made up of believers

The Bible says, “However God does not dwell in the house made by men, as paradise is my throne and the earth is the footrest of mine, what sort of house you will construct for me? Says the Lord God Almighty or where will my dwelling place be? Has not my hand created all these things found on the cosmos?” (Acts-7:48-50)

If we explore the above-stated scripture, it is distinct that God does not dwell in any edifices finished by mankind. But, Humans are constructing marvelous structures for God to dwell but the datum is that God doesn’t dwell in any human-made structure. (Acts. 17:24)

If God doesn’t dwell in the house made by man? Then where does God lives? We can treasure an appropriate answer from the Holy Scripture itself. The Bible says “for where two or three come together in my name, and there I am with them” (Mathew. 18:20) and from this biblical verse it is understandable that God dwells in the midst of two or three people who gather in His (Jesus) name.

Since the establishment of human history God has detached countless individuals by pardoning their sins, and wherever these people gather for worshipping Him, He comes in their midst. In conclusion, the church is not made of bricks; rather it is made of people who are saved by the Holy blood of Jesus. The Bible says that they are built upon the chief cornerstone i.e. Jesus himself “….built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself us the primary foundation. In him, the complete structure is combined collected and rises to become a holy temple of the Lord, and in Him, you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives in His full deity” (Ephesians.2:20-22). It is a distinct that the church is not an artificial building instead it is a Heavenly structure which is built by the Lord by laying the foundation on Jesus, the chief keystone. (1 Peter.2:4-7)

Jesus is the chief foundation stone of the church. God desires that all of us must act as the laying stones of the church because the church is made up of believers but not of bricks. If we study about the stones, stones do have many good qualities:

  1. God makes Stones.
  2. Stone are very hard in nature and not easily breakable
  3. Stone don’t have a particular shape.

God wishes all of us to have the equal potentials

  1. We are created by God
  2. We must be as strong as stones in believing and trusting God, and we must be unbreakable in our faith.
  3. We become shapeless by committing all kinds of sins and wrong things, but because of the love of God He sent His only begotten son for us and chose us to be the laying stones to build His own church

Jesus is the only loving God. He forgives all our sins if we come to Him by submitting our lives. He will choose us to build His own church, and if we become his children by accepting Him, He will take away all our shapeless stages and make us part of his stunning house. When He asserts us, he arrange us on the beautiful building specifically the church. When it comes to the whole church the spectators will say, “….how is the shrine was adorned with the gorgeous stones” (Luke. 21:5)

Whatever may be our problems or circumstances God loves us, and He wants all of us to be the laying stones of His church. Because he can change our shapeless situation into a lovely phase. He receives us and wishes for us to be a strong and unbreakable stone of his church.

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