What is Bible?
Bible Bible Topics

What is Bible?


Bible is the Word of God, which has led to almost every person. In the beginning, the Word already existed, The World was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) NLT. Bible is God’s word, which changes every human being.

The Proof of  God’s dealing with humans in the Bible

The Bible is the historical record of God’s dealing with humans in the present, past, and future. The Bible gives us a message of eternal salvation. “The man who committed sin can come back to God through Jesus Christ” Whenever we read (The Word Of God) The Bible, it seems that God is talking to us through His words. There are many books but The Bible gives us hope to live a life after death. The person who reads The Bible and follows they get blessings from God in every generation until today.

The complete number of Books in the bible

It contains 66 divine books from a library, which has been divided into two testaments the Old Testament and the New Testament. There are 39 books in the Old Testament that represents the history of Israel, it is poetry, hymns, law, prophecy, life, knowledge, and literature.

And 27 books in the New Testament, which was written in the first four books about “Jesus” who is known as the gospel. It is that love is about who showed God’s son, Jesus, or God Himself Jesus, he so loved the world that he gave his life to save souls. He does because he loves us and commanded everyone to love each other. They are miracles, but he promises his disciples that they will, will do the same. It is going to take place, which represents all those predictions. Jesus set examples for us to live like Him.

Also, check further details about the books like the number of chapters, verses, and books in the Bible and who wrote them (author of the Bible).

Full Form Of Bible

The scholars of the Bible have suggested the full form “BASIC INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE LEAVING EARTH” for The Bible. This does mean that it contains those instructions which are important for us to live as well as to live our life after death. The main thing The Bible Indicates is that whoever believes in Christ has eternal life but who rebels against the gospel has eternal punishment in hell.

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