What is storge love in bible
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What is storge love in bible

What is storge love in bible

What is Storge love in the bible is another question which most people think about so here is an effort of mine to answer the question.

Storge is an ancient Greek word which means love between family members. We have different types of love but Storge love is family love, the love between Parents and their Children’s. Other loves are different from this, but this love is very special among the family because without love is nothing and one family is incomplete. Bible declares, love one another and If we can’t love our family then we can’t love other people. Because God gave us family to love one another and to help each other in our each and every problem.

Storge love in the Bible

The Bible does promise in (Exodus 20:12) “Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land that the Lord your God is given to you”. Here our Lord gives promise for a long life also but with a condition to honor our parents. And the same verse we can see in, New Testament also in (Ephesians 6:2) says, “Respect your Mother and Father, this is the 1st commandment, with which there is a vow”. In the Old Testament when we see Noah‘s family, God helped them and saved them from a flood because his children’s were faithful to Noah and Storge love was among them. If we read his story from the Bible then we will understand. And we can see Jacob’s love toward his sons. In the New Testament the most famous story Martha and Mary’s love toward their brother Lazarus in (John 11).

But if we see according to the Bible our heavenly father Jesus Christ, we all are his children according to the Bible verse (John 1:12) “But whoever receives Jesus Christ, are given the right to be God’s children, those who believe in His name”. As a Result, we are children of The Lord God Almighty and our church is our own family members so we must love them like our own family. Like first we read in the Bible who honor their father and mother will live a long life, like this only if we honor thy God and live according to his will then we will have eternal life.

1 Comment

  • David v prasadarao Jalli March 17, 2015

    Love is reciprocal……love begets love
    1john 4;19.

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